Lathargic a$$holes
Again...a strong word to start with. I hate lathargic dudes and dudettes. Whats up with the go help your self folks? is the concept of DIY all in drains? its now the new mantra...SDIFY Somebody Do It For You! bloody h3ll
Creativity, Proactiveness, Relaibility all have gone down and are in the bin.
I am tierd of motivating those who don't wish to be motivated BUT I will never loose hope and I will sound the horn and make the deaf also hear.
Give up? naah i don't know that phrase
Creativity, Proactiveness, Relaibility all have gone down and are in the bin.
I am tierd of motivating those who don't wish to be motivated BUT I will never loose hope and I will sound the horn and make the deaf also hear.
Give up? naah i don't know that phrase
Creativity in the bin? I couldn't agree more. I can crib about it forever.
R, at Thu Oct 12, 11:06:00 PM GMT+5:30
@rohit - i dont want to sond as if I am cribbing...I am sad :(
GameSetCatch, at Thu Oct 12, 11:11:00 PM GMT+5:30
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